Aug 17, 2011

Scenes from tompkins square park

Tompkins Square Park is just a stone's throw away and it's got the cutest dog run. I actually don't go to this park very much despite its proximity. Many times I find myself there to finish off a roll of film, because it's right across the street from my local film lab. That was precisely the case here - I took these on my old school Minolta x370s with Kodak Tri-X 400. Black and white film is a PAIN to scan properly. I scanned these myself and they're kind of weird looking? I tried my best to adjust in-scanner, but eh...

The park does have its charms though.


  1. These are beautiful! They don't look weird to me at all - the first one, maybe the midtones are too bright, giving the same sort of weird effect when you go crazy go nuts with the 'fill light' slider in ACR. Other than that, gorgeous.

  2. @Kim, hah yes! That's exactly what I thought about that first one. It almost looks weirdly glowy.

  3. ah, i always wanted to try the tri-x 400. looks like a cute park. :)
