I recently spent a cold and wet weekend up at
The Villa at Saugerties. It doesn't get much cozier than sleeping with the fireplace on in those weather conditions and watching good old HGTV. I never really get much R&R as even when I'm in a place like this, I'm waking up with the sun to try and shoot before the rest of the house wakes up. I can't turn off the photographer in me. (Alas, a curse and a blessing.)

No pool time this time around but it wouldn't be a shabby place at all to hang out on a sunny summer's day.

The owners, Amanda and Joe, are incredibly generous with their time and cook a barn dinner at their own house for the guests over the weekend (not to mention a multi-course breakfast every day).

Now I'm dreaming of being cooped up there during a proper snowstorm this winter. By the fireplace of course.