Dec 27, 2010

A look from above

I love the whole above the table shot, but it's hard to do with my usual 50mm and somehow I don't think standing on my chair at a place like Per Se is gonna go over particularly well. With a point and shoot, I can just reach as high as I can, attempt to aim and hope for the best.

Here's a weekend of lunch/brunch eats. I like it when you can see snippets of my dining companions, and I feel like the above the table shot tells more of a complete story than my usual standalone dish photos.

Nothing quite beats brunch fare.


  1. You always seem to eat at the fanciest of places! :P (I'm curious as to the average price of a meal for you)

    Great shots as usual, and I agree with the "getting a glimpse of the person you're eating with" :)

  2. Wonderful set! Yes, that snippet of eating companion(s) is a good thing. And the S95(?) is a nice thing.

  3. aaaand now I'm starving! great shots - restaurants should pay you for eating there :D

  4. nice change of perspective :) i'm dyingg to try locanda verde - i think i must go when i am in nyc in jan :)

  5. From what I hear on the news, are you battling snow storms to get to these food outings? Hope all is ok over there.

  6. these are very very nice point-and-shoot shots. in fact, if you didn't tell us, i would not have guessed that these were from a point-and-shoot. love the angle - it does seem to tell a more complete story. and the food - wow! delicious. oh, and i still don't know how you manage to stay so thin with all that rich dining several times a week =)i'm so jealous!

  7. I'm always a fan of aerial shots of food. Man, you have like the best dining experiences ever!

  8. Hi there! Im a new follower of your blog although I've been your flickr follower for a while now.

    Just want to say that I LOVE your blog. Love the way you make everyday life look so elegant and exciting!

  9. Wow.. the hollandaise looks as bright as the orange juice!

  10. I LOVE above-the-table shots. And it is really nice to see a little more of your environment than we usually do! Gonna echo other thoughts on the quality of the photos - so good. Totally would not've guessed it was a p&s!

  11. Lovely pictures, as usual. Nice perspective and atmosphere!
    The food looks delicious :)

  12. eventhough i just ate lunch i instantly got hungry when i see these food photos, mostly the french toasts !! :)

  13. i LOVE above shots, the way everything fits together like a puzzle. gorgeous!

    xo Alison

  14. I love above the table shots!

    What sort of point and shoot do you use? These are great.

  15. Awww just saw these. Super nice, I want the noms again!!!
