Jun 21, 2011

My go-to summer outfit

I came down with somethin' awful last night and had to leave a seven course dinner after course two (argh! Still cursing missing an amazing menu). I'm just happy I wasn't rolled out of the restaurant in a stretcher. The night was pretty brutal. Unfortunately I did NOT throw up. I probably would have felt 100x better if I were able to. Ugh sorry for the gory details. This morning, I hunted for a doctor on yelp (hah) as I don't have a GP in the city yet.

Anyyyway, today wasn't great but I had a shoot in the afternoon so I willed myself to get my shit together. I'm still subsisting off saltines, cheese, and fruit, which meant another canceled reservation tonight. We were looking forward to it for quite a few weeks now too. Many sorries, Jimmy :(.

On a happier note, I'd wear this outfit every day if I could this summer. Of course, it gets way too hot for me to comfortably wear the cardigan, but for indoors, we're good.

Pretty sure these H&M shorts are from like 2007. Love them anyway. On my feet are probably this pair of ancient brown strappy sandals that I just can't seem to find a good replacement for.

Well, happy summer solstice!


  1. lovely outfit yellow looks good on you I hope yoy feel better!!

  2. omg i looove your outfit! so adorable, colorful and perrrrfect for summer!

  3. Oh man.. get well soon. Hope that won't happen again. Perfect summer outfit btw

  4. lookin cute and comfy! hope you are feeling better soon! sorry you had to miss a dinner (and photographic opportunities!)

  5. love your outfit! i like how you're so stylish :D more outfit posts!

  6. aww, hope you feel better, alice!

  7. LOVE the yellow! can you be my personal dresser?

  8. nice colors! i like the flower on your cardigan

  9. Your outfit looks so comfy and adorable! Love it!

    Hope today is a better day, health wise : /

  10. Perfect summery colour! Love your outfit posts, perhaps this will be a reoccurring thing? Hope you're feeling better! :)

  11. I love the yellow cardigan! Get well soon :)

  12. recently came across your blog - love your photos.

    cute outfit! hope you feel better soon.

  13. I have the same exact go-to summer outfit. Cardigans are just too easy, I can't get away from them.

  14. Ouch Alice, hope you feel better soon. Get some rest and drink some tea or something. Go easy on the stomach for now.

    You're so stylish, but I can imagine NYC to be boiling right now lol.

  15. As nice as SF is aren't you glad to be in NYC so you can dress like that? Love the summer!

  16. you are cute as a button in your yellow cardigan and snazzy bando. Hope you are feeling better...stomach stuff is the worst.

  17. Looove! pretty girl :) and you knooooow I love the cardi...

  18. super cute!! hope you are feeling much, much better now.

    i love my GP, if you need a recommendation.
