Jun 22, 2011

Ashley part deux

If this pretty redhead looks familiar, it's because I blogged a little portrait session a few weeks ago featuring some film shots of her. I finally got around to processing some of the digital shots from that day. Now this isn't quiite a direct film vs. digital post, but it's still pretty obvious where the differences are. I honestly like both versions (or maybe I just like the photogenic subject). Digital will always be tack sharp and my beloved Connie can't quite compete in that area. I think these digital shots are more dramatic and contrasty whereas the film versions were (as expected) more romantic and soft.

Movie star smile, hello!

And p.s. thanks for the well wishes about my health. It was probably a virus but I'm getting better. I finally had a hot meal today. I was so sick of crackers!


  1. Oh Alice - these are beautiful. I wish you could shoot a portrait for me!

  2. Jane, I wish I could too! Well, I'll give you a holler if I'm ever in your neck of the woods :P

  3. Such a great model and she was even willing to lie on the ground for you. Love both digital and film versions.

  4. both versions are fab. you're right, though, the film ones are more romantic. like a memory.

  5. I'm fascinated by your portrait photos, they are beautiful. I like the bright colors. Very beautiful motive.

  6. She has stunning eyes! These are beautiful photos.

  7. gorgeous, of course. love the hair flip.

  8. these are gorgeous! I love the brighter(richer?) colour in the digital shots, but also the more romantic feel of the film versions

  9. These are so gorgeous! And so is she!! And I love how Irish-y they feel. Especially with the cobblestone. Love love love. <3

  10. Ah loved Part1 but this one is even better :) you should def. do more Portraits.. just like I need to :S
