Apr 6, 2011

Part ii, the provia version

Whoa, glancing at the Provia cherry blossom pictures, I see lots of green, grey, brown, and blue. Comparing this to yesterday's post, it's hard to tell they were even taken with the same camera at the same place. The Astia had rendered the sky's details beautifully, which is less so visible here, and (if I get around to posting the Portra version) I got virtually no detail or color in the sky with the Portra. Hmmm...

Also, there is some crazy vignetting in this first shot!

I'll try to give us a break from this tomorrow. It's making me a bit dizzy, all these repetitive branches and blossoms!

(ETA: A gratuitous epic behind the scenes shot by my mom. It amuses me greatly. :P)


  1. Behind the behind the scenes (:

  2. pretty pretty. looks almost surreal, so many flowers and so many people around.

    also, i couldn't spot J in the behind-the-scenes shot at first. i kept looking for the suit.

  3. I really like how there are people painting the trees, they deserve to be immortalised in paint. They're just that gorgeous.

  4. I really like the vignetting in the first shot, I think it suits the mood! :) Crazy colour/tone differences from last post to this one! Almost looks like a complete different day!

    ps: thanks for the comment on my blog yesterday! :)

  5. Gorgeous images as always, Alice! And I don't think these branches and blossoms will ever make me dizzy - they are beautiful!

  6. The top photo is gorgeous! Of course, they are all gorgeous, but I love DC so I love the top shot. You found some great perspectives and angles too - the painting shots are really cool.
