Recently, it's felt like a lot of my friends are moving away from the city. For them, the city was a good middle-ground but they are ready to leave and settle down elsewhere. And many others, who are still in NYC for now, don't see themselves here in five or ten or twenty years. While I very much welcome the idea of living abroad for a few years, I know that NYC is where I want to end up. I can't fathom ending up anywhere else and I have never felt so strongly drawn to a place as I am to this one.

[iPhone photo from a bike ride along the East River]
How about you? Are you currently living in the city/town where you want to end up?
I can clearly see why through your photos!
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Portland, Oregon my whole life. While my husband and I dream of experiencing other places in the word we often talk about how we hope to retire in the Pacific Northwest. I think it's just such a part of us we can't dream of ever saying goodbye to forever.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in South Africa and live in London but we are planning on moving to Italy within the next few years (after we learn Italian). Really strange how the place where I spent most of my live won't be somewhere I return to. Sadly we just don't see prospects for ourselves in South Africa. And though I love love love London and will definitely miss it I do miss sunshine and space. I think Italy is a good 'compromise'.
ReplyDeleteI lived in New York City for about 4 years after college, but never really felt at home there, and coming from the Midwest, always knew that it was a post-college-be-young-and-irresponsible experience. I have since moved to Los Angeles, and feel much more optimistic about my future here.
ReplyDeleteI've moved a lot in my younger years and had never ever felt that way about a city... Until I moved to Portland. :) It continually amazes me how much I feel like I fit in here, and the camaraderie I feel with my community. I still want to travel and see the world, but I really can't see myself settling down or calling anything "home base" but here. For sure.
ReplyDeleteoh, i can relate completely. [Manhattan, UES here!]
ReplyDeletei think we always pictured ourselves moving out of the City once we had kids, but when that day came, my husband and I both realized that the things we love about the city are those same things we want to share with our kids. Now, with my little 6-year-old and 19-month-old New Yorkers, i absolutely KNOW we don't want to leave.
i think everyone has someplace that feels "right" to them; i'm just so glad NYC is mine ;-)
(and yours ;-)
God, that photo is stunning. And I hear you, lady. I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully give up this city.
ReplyDeletethis is something i think about quite often. i can say with certainty that i'm not living in the city i want to end up with. i moved from europe, where i was born, to the states (florida) twelve years ago and i still feel like a stranger here. something just doesn't click. maybe it's me or maybe it's the city i live in. you are very lucky that you've found a place that feels right for you.
I'm currently living in Washington, DC, and though I recognize it might not be forever, I certainly hope it is. I'm in love with this city. I never want to leave.
ReplyDeletebeautiful :)
ReplyDeletewhere I live now probably isn't where I'll end up being, but then again, who knows?
I'd love to spend one or two years of my life in NYC...
ReplyDeleteNo, it's not, and that feels hard to say when it's a city that so many dream of living in. But I'm doing my best to enjoy what I love about it while we are here and I'm grateful for the experience. I often say that I had the unfortunate luck to adore where I was born. I feel a physical rootedness in that very land and I will always feel tugged back. It's amazing that rooted feeling. That said, while I'd love to go back to my homeland, I'm open to life taking me unexpected places. It's kind of wonderful that way, life is. :) (p.s. just discovered your work the other day and it's truly beautiful)
ReplyDeleteI live in a small scale city in Florida and would love to live in Chicago for a few years, for a change of pace. Although, I can't imagine settling down there with kids and a family. But who knows! Maybe once I'm out there, I may never want to leave!
ReplyDeletewe can't imagine living anyplace else other than nyc! wonderful photo!
ReplyDeleteI moved to Brooklyn after college and loved every minute of it. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. While living there I met my husband and had our first child. For a while it seemed like everything was falling into place exactly the way I wanted. Then we lost our apartment and were unable to find another in our price range. You could have a baby but not a cat; you could have a cat but not a baby(!). So we had no choice but to leave. Now that our kids are nearly independent we would like to move back but it's become so much more expensive. Still, that's the plan and that's what we're working towards.
ReplyDeleteThat's wonderful to feel so perfectly at home, especially a city with endless interesting people and opportunities. I think I'm a bit shellshocked from moving/traveling too much, and have a hard time feeling that attached to a single place.
ReplyDeleteMy fiance just moved to San Francisco and I'm still in New York for graduate studies. I love it here, especially as I have a lot of friends here and so much to do. But I'll finish my thesis next spring and move to San Francisco to be with my fiance. We're planning on a California wedding and it'll be really nice to have a home together there.
I'm envious that you've already reached your destination. I hope one day I'll feel utterly at home in one city!
I moved out of a city in April to a really small town. While it's nice hear, I know it's not totally what I want. I'm not sure yet where I'll end up and I'm kind of cool with that. There are lots of places out there in the world to see.
ReplyDeleteI was born and raised in San Francisco, but I did live in New York for a few years. This photo really resonated with me because I used to live and work in Brooklyn Heights. I really feel like my heart is in two places. Though I live in SF now, I'd love to live in NYC again, and I visit as often as I can. Love that city.
ReplyDeleteHey! I love your work! Very beautiful! Just curious what blogger theme you are using? Is it a theme you downloaded or have you worked on it yourself in HTML? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI've lived in the one town for most of my life and love where I am but have never really seen myself(or any of my family) staying here for longer then perhaps ten more years. I don't know where I'll end up, closer to the city I was born in probably but hopefully not too close. :)
ReplyDeleteim originally from atlanta but now i live in southern california. while i can say i definitely miss the people - i don't miss the weather at all, and i've been surprised at how much weather makes a huge difference in my life. i don't know that i will call LA home forever but i know its definitely somewhere with similar weather!
ReplyDeleteI think it's quite common to have thoughts about living or settling down elsewhere. You know that I have lived in London for about a year and I loved the fact that I got a chance to reside somewhere other than Vancouver. I don't know for sure if I want to end up here though... I am already thinking about packing up my bags for good and maybe head to Australia. We'll see :)
ReplyDeleteI have no idea where we'll end up, and I never have. must be nice to be so sure ;) looking forward to coming back to visit this winter...
ReplyDeleteI love the city life and currently live in San Diego. People are great where I live, very down to earth and friendly. I would not mind living in SF or NYC if I could find work. I am a recent follower of yours Alice and I love your work you post on 'lingerdupon'. You inspire me and hope to learn more about your photography technique. I am a hobby photographer enthusiast. If you do not mind I would love to ask you a couple questions about photography sometime. Have a lovely day!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photo! The bridges are one of my favorite aspects of New York City. I never really had a place in mind where I wanted to 'end up', per se. I suppose wherever life takes me? That sounds awfully cheesy, but I've lived in so many places. Born in Indonesia, moved to Australia for two years (where I developed a nice half-Aussie accent), then to northern California until I left for college in Phoenix. After college, I lived in Arizona for a while before moving to Colorado Springs, where I am now. Crazy, right? I do absolutely LOVE Colorado (the beautiful mountain view from my neighborhood doesn't hurt, of course), and I wouldn't mind staying here for a while. :)
ReplyDeleteI've been from the northeast all of my life. In the past six months, i've moved into Brooklyn to continue my education within this remarkable city. I really love the city but it's been a tough start so far! I look forward to growing and learning more about this place and would love to continue my life here. Find a girl, get married, have kids and a dog, there are some amazing locations here to have a family. So, i'm going to take it one step at a time, i'm only 23 but I feel it coming around soon!
ReplyDeleteI grew up in Nigeria, went to college in Michigan, lived in Minnesota for 7 years, and have now been in Baltimore for almost a year. It's been fun exploring this place, and I have no idea if this is where I'll end up. There are so many places to see and experience! With that said, I'm looking forward to the day when I finally feel settled in one place.
ReplyDeleteWhere I live now is definitely not where I want to stay. I know where I want to end up but I'm open to something better coming along. NYC looks like a good place to call home.
ReplyDeleteI've lived in Portland, OR (and a southern suburb), as well as Vilnius, Lithuania. At the moment we're in Portland, and while there are a lot of great things about Portland, we're feeling a bit tired of the U.S. in general, and hoping to shift to The Netherlands (probably Amsterdam or Leiden) in the next few years, to stay indefinitely. We shall see :)
ReplyDeleteI grew up in southern Virginia, lived in Boston for about 5 years, and then moved to Birmingham, AL, about a year ago. I've felt a sense of home in each of those places, and in each of the houses (or tiny apartments!) I've lived in. Birmingham is actually pretty incredible (I'll admit I was skeptical), but I'm not sure I'll be here forever. Possibly--I could see it--but there are just so many other places I'd love to explore (possibly long-term) and jobs, opportunities, and amazing people out there. We'll see!
ReplyDeleteI've lived in 3 different countries and 6 different cities now. We will be heading off to Asia in a few years' time so that should be interesting. These days, there are a lot of people who have dual or multiple citizenship and they cross many borders easily. I guess it helps being multi/bilingual and understands the different cultures well too.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Seattle my whole life. Ideally perhaps SF, NYC, or abroad, though I can't be away from my attached mom. I love Seattle, but make it a point to travel so I can at that moment in time be part of another culture.
ReplyDeleteI dream of moving TO the city. I'm Norwegian, so NYC is a long way away from home, yet on the other hand I feel more at home there than I have ever felt somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteI'll be in the city again soon, would love to meet you if you are up for it!
I'm envious you are certain where you want to end up! I am currently living abroad and when I first arrived to Cape Town, a city I love, I thought it would be forever. Now I'm realizing (just over two years later) it's actually really tough to call a foreign country home, for various reasons, no matter how much I love the place. Regardless, you should definitely try living abroad because it's such a great experience. When you're certain where your heart lies, in NYC, it will make returning home again that much sweeter and easier :)