Jan 19, 2012

Sunshine yellow

Just a little fun with my +4 close-up filter and these tiny yellow ranunculi. Crazy how even in the second shot, at f11, how shallow the depth of field is.


  1. I want to try close-up filters! Any recommendations?

  2. oh goodness...my favorite flower.
    these are so gorgeous.
    can you share a bit about the close-up filter.
    not familiar with it.
    thanks so much for your constant inspiration!

  3. Love this!

    Have to play with the close-up gear again (filters, tubes, bellows, all of the above...). Thank you for inspiring.

  4. I cannot get enough of flowers right now! Love that last shot!

  5. Hmmmm! A close-up filter... I might really like one. And that 2nd pic is at f/11??? Because I love that pic. So if that's what it's like with a close-up filter, I do think I need one...

  6. To everyone who is curious about the close-up filters, I will try to do a full post on them soon!

  7. these are gorgeous, esp the last one! Yellow on white - a lovely combination.
