Feb 26, 2016

A paperclip for giants

Today's Friday's Detail features a brass paperclip from the studio of Carl Auböck. I've been eying this guy forever and finally bought one at The Line as a pick-me-up. It gleams so beautifully in the light; though, I've learned the hard way that it can cause scratches or leave black marks if you actually use it as a paperclip! So I'll just rest it on the page as more of a paperweight instead.

I've also included this in my swoon worthy list for the lovely Athena's site, Eye Swoon. There's a little fun q+a with me in there too!


  1. Such a cool item! Simple yet fancy at the same time <3

  2. Hi incredibly beautiful! x


  3. omg i've seen this at the line before and loved it! thats unfortunate that it marks the page though - i am anal about keeping my books really pristine ha.

    i noticed your site loads extremely fast, despite being an image heavy photography site. i was wondering if you do anything to compress your images or optimize them? i'm trying to figure out how i can still have retina quality images but not bog down my page loading time. would appreciate if you had any insight!


    1. hey! i don't think i do anything special actually. i don't even use the save for web in photoshop haha. maybe it helps that i host images separately from blogger? or maybe you have a really fast internet connection ;)

  4. oh wow that makes me wonder what i am doing wrong bc my site takes like 20 seconds to load vs 1-5 sec (where i think ppl start to lose interest waiting) ha.

    who do you host with? i just switched to a traffic planet and saw a huge immediate difference but now im kind of stuck about what else to do and i figured it could be image size.

    1. i use 1and1 for my hosting. i don't know if they're great, but i've just been using them forever so too lazy to switch. it's weird that your site takes so long to load!!

    2. Hi Sher, great to hear about the performance increase with us at Traffic Planet Hosting. Any site that uses high quality images should be using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) like Amazon Cloudfront or MaxCDN. We can definitely help with the configuration and setup of a CDN with any Traffic Planet Hosting account.

  5. This is just so cool - beyond words - need me one.
    Love this type of posts also, keep them up xx.

