Mar 4, 2014

KEX Hostel

Yikes, it's been a year since I took these photos during my trip to Iceland, but I figure, better late than never. On the last day of our trip, we made a pit stop at the KEX Hostel in downtown Reykjavik. It's housed in an old biscuit factory, so there is a load of industrial charm. Our stop was only meant to be a quick tour, but we all found ourselves gasping at the rich details in every room and all the found props and knick knacks. Naturally, I couldn't stop myself from shooting it all. I hate to put it this way, but it was a bit like "Brooklyn meets Icelandic cool" in terms of the design elements.

KEX offers a variety of dorm arrangements, from bunk-bed style rooms to more private ones. There are a number of common areas, all carefully decorated with the same industrial retro chic factor. A year later, as more of a curmudgeon, I almost feel that the trendiness is a bit much. Don't get me wrong - it's an aesthetic I enjoy and all, but sometimes I wish not everything looked like the Brooklyn stereotype.

There was some beautiful light that day, that's for sure.


  1. I love these. Such a great talent of capturing the space!

  2. Iceland has been under a lot of spotlight since last year and I would love to visit one day for sure. The hostel definitely has the "Ace Hotel" vibe going on there.. :

  3. This is amazing - you're right, GORGEOUS light. My boyfriend and I have tentatively started planning a trip to Iceland (and hopefully Greenland!) sometime in the next couple of years, so this will definitely be something we keep in mind!

  4. lovely place that, not what I think of hostel is at all.

  5. Everywhere I look I see Iceland. Any tips about planning a holiday there?


  6. Amazing pictures, beautiful place :)
    love it !


  7. My friend is considering booking this hostel for a joint hen-stag do. I will definitely show her this blog post!

  8. wow, it looks beautiful! just my kind of place & iceland is on the agenda so....


  9. Super stylish, like a little slice of Brooklyn!

  10. The hardwood floors and subway tiles in that bar! Swoon.

  11. We were in Iceland almost a year ago now too! There was a bar/hotel in Akureyri that kind of reminds me of this place though they had airline seats instead of regular seats in their lounge area. And I agree, one of the things I remember the most about the trip was all the beautiful light coming in--regardless of location. Kind of feel like going back now...and to catch the northern lights again! :)

  12. Stunning photographs, so atmospheric. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I agree, lovely light indeed. Thank you for the prints of Paris, by the way. The bonus was an unexpected delight and totally made my week :)
