Feb 24, 2014

A hot second in Cusco

Though I sure wish it were longer than that. At the end of my South America trip, I had a wee bit of time to explore Cusco. The first thing I noticed was how I couldn't walk up the slightest hill or walk my normal NYC-pace without gasping for breath (I mean, I know I'm out of shape but this was crazy). The elevation is around 11000 feet (3400 m), and I imagine I'd have a hard time adjusting were I able to stay longer. The second thing I noticed was how many classic old-style Volkswagen Beetles there were, and the third, just how charming every alleyway I looked down was. I would have loved to get a longer taste of Cusco, but I was happy to walk around, armed only with my iPhone camera to capture just a few of the sights that inspired me. It's pretty amazing to think about just how old some of those buildings are.


  1. Lovely pictures as always.. really adore those colorful window frames !

  2. Lovely pictures I love the cute little VW cars in the shot. I Felt the same way walking around Seattle its a bit hilly but I hear San Francisco is more like that too.


  3. Beautiful pictures, love your style..



  4. Beautiful photos! My dream is to tour South America one day... What others regions/cities did you visit? Which was your favorite?
    Also, you have a wonderful blog :)

    a wanderer's path

  5. Awesome pictures from your South America trip. Have to visit one day:) <3

    New on www.shallwesasa.com

  6. I've been to Cusco twice, and I loooooove it so much. I could spend weeks there. Your photos capture it beautifully.

  7. I am dying to visit Peru! I hear so amazing things about its towns and places!!!

  8. Love these little snap shots of Cusco. How quaint!
