Dec 26, 2011

Contax glamour shots

This weekend felt like it both dragged and flew by. Very bizarre. J and I spent all of yesterday indoors; we ordered Chinese food, drank champagne, and watched Netflix. Riveting stuff, I know. I've really been slacking on taking my camera with me around the city. The iPhone has made me lazy like that. Anyway, I wanted a few pictures I could use for "About Me" pages or the like, so I had J take these of me wielding the Contax. I also snuck in this picture of my new "wine" colored cloche. It's almost too cute for me.

P.S. The lovely Ilona Joy interviewed me for her blog a few weeks back - check out the post here!


  1. how cute are you? perfect light!

    p.s. lots and lots of sharing of wedding pics this past weekend...people are obsessed with your mad skills :)

  2. J did such a great job with these portraits! And you look amazing with that red hat.

  3. Stylin' with retro; love the meter. Good shooting, J. Have a healthy and safe rest of the year, you two.

  4. Great shots! Love the attitude and those vivid colors.
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  5. wonderful portraits, love the last one. & your hat is gorgeous

  6. These are beautiful! I really like the lighting and soft tones here. BTW, I love your blog...very inspirational :).

  7. Question: how do you achieve the milky feel of the lighting AND still maintain a good sharpness and contrast of the subject? I am really interested in this type of editing. Do you use a certain preset, and do you actually change the tones a lot?

    Thanks! :)

  8. @Bobby, I've been dabbling in the VSCO film presets for Adobe Camera Raw. Then I'll adjust to my liking! The trick of course is to always start with a well-exposed and lit image in the first place.:)

  9. great shot, may I ask is that a compass hanging round your neck?

  10. Thanks, Alice - that's quite useful:) Surely lighting is crucial to begin with, and apparently that's why I keep chasing it. Ah, I sometimes get scared of how damn easy photography is; and how obsessive...

    Okay, back to what I am supposed to be doing (writing).

  11. What a cute post! What kind of light meter do you use?

  12. The burgundy cloche looks fabulous on you. Highlights your good bone structure. Wear it with pride.

  13. I love the shots, both yours and your friend's. You look so beautiful!
