Sep 23, 2011

About as tame as friday nights get

Watching this kid on youtube while being somewhat oblivious to J's attempts at shooting me with off-camera flash. He was muttering something about trying to achieve a sort of rim light on one side of me. Meh, flash, shmlash. (Ok that isn't fair - it'd be great to learn how to use off-camera flash effectively, I suppose.)


  1. He's fortunate to have a cute and patient model at the ready. A sufficiently distracted model, anyway. :)

    Keep practicing, Mr J.

  2. dude, love your glasses! i have like no upper nose, so i think i'd never be able to wear them. (they'd just rest on my cheeks.)

  3. first thing i noticed about this picture is your awesome glasses! soooo adorable on you!! love.

  4. the flash must be directly supported, or a bright lens fuji x100 with no problem even 3200iso

  5. I agree with everyone else about those awesome glasses. Very cool! And I'll be the tacky one now: what kind are they? (I might need to make a new purchase :))

    Great pic, too!

  6. Getting hit by barrages of flash...Bridget and Suki know all about that. But I firmly believe that available light means any light that's available to you ;)

  7. beautiful! I love these moments best.

  8. to everyone who is curious about the glasses - they're from warby parker! :)
