Jun 19, 2012


This edition of 'his and hers' was made by possible by the lovely Jen Sosa, who took these photos at the Jazz Age Lawn Fest this past weekend. We didn't quite go all out as other attendees did (a post on this to come when I have my film back!), but tried to make do with what we had. I put no effort into making my hair look 20s, as it has never cooperated with anything I've tried to do. I don't think it can even hold a curl for ten minutes.

J scrapped together his outfit from Sperry Top-siders, J.Crew pants/shirt/bowtie, H&M vest, and a hat he picked up at the event. My dress/earrings/bracelets are Forever 21, with Lanvin flats and Chanel wallet on chain (um yeah, there may have been quite a bit of shopping in Paris as well...).

Photos c/o Jen Sosa. :)

Gratuitous shot of me by J from the Fuji x100. How awesome is that doorway!


  1. how ADORABLE are you two? i could scream.
    love! blog.tarapolly.com

  2. You are the prettiest! I love this shoot.

  3. You are a true beauty, Alice!

  4. i think you did pretty well. you look demure and feminine. j looks very handsome with his hat and the bow tie :)

  5. love love love! you look gorgeous!

  6. such a lovely duo! what lipstick are you wearing? it looks so great on you!

    1. Thanks! It is "Favori Red" by Dior I believe.

  7. You guys look absolutely adorable together!! I'm kinda in love with that dress! And also, love love love that doorway. That shade of blue and the peeling paint make it perfect!

  8. You too look absolutely amazing! Gorgeous.

  9. Simply a beautiful set of a beautiful couple!!

  10. Adore photography on your blog, artistic and dreamy.

  11. Your dress is F21??? It looks really expensive. Ooooh, you bought yourself a Chanel! You're so lucky you can claim quite a bit VAT back unlike moi. I love your make up. I tend to go really nude on lips but I'm now convinced after seeing your photos, I'm going to try darker and pinkier lipsticks.

    p.s. please send over at least 10 degree C because we're absolutely freezing here.

  12. you two look gorgeous and so do the pics!

  13. You two are adorable!!! Love both of your outfits! Also, slightly jealous of that new Chanel wallet ;)
    Great pics Jen!

  14. i was wondering where you got your half case for the fuji x100?

  15. Great 20s inspired looks for just using what you have! I love that shade of lipstick on you as well.

  16. You guys are super hip, hehe. Still rockin' that X100 I see. =)

  17. Wow, these photos are simply stunning! And your outfits are awesome. :) Ohh, and that doorway is too dreamy!! Gah, I'm jealous.

  18. I love that dress on you. You are gorgeous and J is adorable too.

  19. you two are a sight to be seen! I can't wait attend the second lawn party in august. gotta start scrounging up an outfit now!

  20. Awesome. All very chic, but I like the doorway shot

  21. wow, that F21 dress looks wonderful!

  22. you two look gorgeous & I love your dress :)

  23. Both of your outfits are fantastic. And I really love the last shot in the doorway!

  24. you both look suitably 20's-esque :)
