Apr 9, 2012


Self-portraits are becoming increasingly difficult for me. I can totally understand why so many people say they hate being in front of the camera or that they hate most photos of themselves. We know our flaws too well and they jump out at us in pictures. I always try to experiment with different expressions but all of them feel off. When I try to appear demure or the like, I look like I'm about to bite someone's head off. Alas, the safe thing for me is always to look away from the camera.

My hair needs some serious taming.


  1. Self portraits are always so hard. But I love these. Very lovely!

  2. Beautiful. :) Oh, and I love your blog!

    ~ Abby

  3. These turned out so well! Beautiful.

  4. quite beautiful! i always feel too awkward and shy for self portraits. i wonder what would be a good way to get over that.

  5. i'm exploring the possibilities of self portraits with my new camera. beautiful photos! this is so inspiring.
    -jocee <3

  6. I hear you. I'm participating in a 52 weeks too and I'm not sure how things are going to end up if I'm already running out of ideas at week 14. These black and whites are beautiful.

  7. i feel ya. people tend to think i'm smirking when i am smiling. gazing off into the distance is the best bet for me.

  8. I really stuggle too and usually do the same, these are lovely though.

  9. Oh Alice, shush, you're beautiful :) As are these portraits.

  10. These, and you, are so beautiful! :)

  11. looking away....great idea! will try that.

  12. sadly being natural in front of the camera is not inborn for all of us *sigh* looking pretty though

  13. I think you also have an idea what "natural" is for yourself, whereas, for instance, I have no idea what natural is for you - so you may see yourself being somewhat awkward, whereas we just see you kind of un-biased :)

    I think that first photo in this post is really beautiful. To me it feels very natural and simply peaceful. Love the scarf, too!

  14. So beautiful... and so you! Unique. Love it! :0)
